Building wildfire resiliency in the communities throughout Minnesota's Arrowhead region.

How do we go about creating Firewise communities?

This 8-step planning model can be used to prepare a community to become a Firewise Community. 

The only way to ensure long-term commitment to FIREWISE Communities is for the general public to have a role in the planning process from the beginning. As you know, many plans aimed at solving fire problems haven’t worked. You have heard all the reasons why they failed. A reason many plans fail is because they were imposed from the top down without enough participation from the people most affected by the plan.

A plan is a written statement of the facts, a review of alternatives, and recommendations on how to meet community goals and  objectives. Anyone can prepare a plan — a report with recommendations on what should be done. But only by following a proper planning process can you determine what is best for your community and get others to agree on what to do.

The Process is the important issue. The process is the key. Planning helps bring people together and opens discussion on the important issues. The act of working together gives the participants “ownership” in the product. There will be many people who will want to see what they worked on get implemented.

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