Building wildfire resiliency in the communities throughout Minnesota's Arrowhead region.

Brimson Township Dropoff Event 2024

2024 Brimson Haul Away : Sharing the Responsibility

You Cut and haul - We’ll Dispose of it

This is an opportunity for residents in Brimson township to reduce the risk of wildfire to your homes by implementing wildfire resiliency strategies. 

If you didn’t attend the Brimson Firewise Best Practices Demonstrations on March 16 or June 8th find out how to reduce your wildfire risk by viewing the recording of

“Tips for Backyard Wildfire Resiliency” at

Then  work on your property by cutting and hauling the hazardous woody debris at the designated times below to the county gravel site at 2204 Elo Road. 

Please keep track of your hours worked on the volunteer hours form on the back of this flier. Turn the form in to the volunteer monitoring the site.  This is the in- kind match for the Firewise Program Grant requirements. This includes watching the video and/or attending the Firewise Best Practices Demonstration.  

Haul away Event Details

When: September 7 & 8th,  noon - 5 PM

            September 14 and 15th, noon - 5 PM. 

Where: County Gravel site at 2204 Elo Road Brimson

Pile Guidelines

  • Cut and haul your woody debris to the gravel site at the designated dates and times above. 

  • Piles must be stacked neatly with ends facing one way for easier access for the contractor to chip. 

  • Please limit the length of branches to 5’. 

  • No limit to the number of piles

“Good” Pile Example

What’s Acceptable?

Small trees, branches and limbs (balsam fir, spruce, brush) will be accepted. No stumps. No invasive species. 

Woody limbs and branches up to 6” in diameter.

No construction or building materials.

Piles only, no bags allowed.

No trash, weeds, root wads, dirt, or rocks

No grass clippings or bags of leaves

No household garbage

Questions? Contact: Gloria Erickson, St Louis County Firewise Coordinator,

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